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Breakfast on the Farm
8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
May 24th Memorial Day Weekend
Last Saturday of the Month
June - September
Enjoy The Farm, hear the roosters crow, feed the animals, and eat a real farm breakfast - fresh and hot off the griddle: Farm Girl Flapjacks from scratch, thicked sliced French toast using our sourdough bread, farm hash from veggies grown here, just-laid eggs cooked to order, bacon, and sausage from free-range pork. Organic milk, chocolate milk, juice, and pour-over coffee brewed right on the farm from freshly ground and locally roasted coffee beans from The Grind Coffeehouse.
No reservations or advanced tickets are needed. Just come on out. We will start at 8:30 and go to 11ish or until sold out.
Plenty of places to sit and eat. You are also welcome to bring your own chair or blanket and have breakfast on the lawn.
May 24, June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27
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